A web hosting service provides the physical space where all the data and elements (photos, videos, information, etc.) of your website will be stored. This space is a computer known as a server.

Not all web hosting services are the same and these vary in features and prices. Hosting services are currently divided into 4 main categories:

1. Shared hosting

This is the most common type of hosting service and also the cheapest. The service works as follows: several websites are hosted on the same server, so you will be sharing the space. The advantages of this type of hosting is that it is the easiest to set up and maintain, and it’s also the cheapest.

2. Dedicated server hosting

In this type of hosting service you will not have to share the server with other sites. The space and resources will be exclusive to your website. This exclusivity, without a doubt, has a price and the dedicated hosting service is much more expensive than a shared hosting.

3. Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting

This type of hosting service combines some features of shared and dedicated hosting. The service works as follows: a server is divided into several independent virtual entities; so even if several sites are hosted on the same server, each one has its own resources and is not affected by the other projects.

4. Cloud hosting

Instead of hosting your website on a single server, cloud hosting distributes your project on several servers, which are connected through the cloud. This service offers greater security because it has the support of several servers.

Before you hire a web hosting service it is important that you think about the specific needs of your website and, also, the budget you have available to spend.

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