The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) changed and now digitalizes the process to solve disputes for intellectual property in Mexico.

Have you ever been or heard about a case where a name or idea is being disputed? To solve this cases people usually appeal to the WIPO, who is also the designed referee for the .MX Registry for the resolution of discussions for intellectual property on the Internet.

When a .MX domain is used in a wrong way or is “stolen”, the brand at issue and whose domain name corresponds to, makes a correction request directed to the WIPO. This procedure is followed by a legal dispute for the domain in which both sides, who complains and who has the name, participate.

Previously, during a dispute, both the promoter of the discussion and the owner of the domain were required to send the documents physically to Geneva, Switzerland. That implied a considerable expense for both parties in adition to a problem due to shipping times.

Fortunately for those who have a domain .MX, the process has changed to be completely digital. It is no longer required that physicall shipments be made. This change was made with the objective of modernizing the ccTLD’s that currently manage the old process.

.MX Registry, pioneer within the ccTLD’s, participated in the process by analyzing the changes that would be made in the process politicies and coordinated the simultaneous change on the WIPO’s and page.

This change seeks to benefit Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) by making the process and applications more economically accessible and streamlining the mitigation.